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Volunteering for August Membership Drive

August 12 - August 20, 2023 | PBS Wisconsin

Membership drives are crucial fundraising events for PBS Wisconsin. During select times over the course of the year, PBS Wisconsin airs special programming designed to raise funds for the station. Volunteers answer calls and assist viewers with setting up their donation and selecting a thank you gift. 

Benefits of Volunteering

Benefits of Volunteering:

August Membership Drive Jobs

Your Gift of Time Makes a Difference!

Be a part of our station fundraising efforts by lending a few hours of your time as a volunteer!  Funds raised provide PBS Wisconsin with the resources to present educational, entertaining and thoughtful programming to viewers across the state.

How can you help?  Review our list of volunteer opportunities to find a position that best matches your skills and interests.

Seated Jobs

Phone Bank: Talk on the phone/headset with viewers interested in making a contribution to the station. Enter pledge information into a computer software program.

Non Seated Jobs

The jobs listed below involve standing or walking.

Assistant Shift Coordinator : Oversee volunteer check-in process. Supervise phone bank, answer membership questions and address any issues as they arise.

Refreshment Host: Serve refreshments, snacks and a meal to volunteers and staff. Maintain a clean work space.

Shift Coordinator: Train volunteers how to take phone pledges using a computer software program. Supervise phone bank, answer membership questions and address any issues as they arise.

August Membership Drive Location

Our fundraising drives are held three times a year in February/March, August and November/December.

Our fundraising drives take place at the PBS Wisconsin Studios in Vilas Hall, 821 University Avenue on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus.

Google Map to Vilas Hall

August Membership Drive FAQ

Current Volunteers

Download our Information Sheet for additional details about volunteering.

What types of shifts are available?

Membership Drive shifts are generally in the evening when our viewers are tuned into prime-time television. Check the times for available shifts on the sign up page.

What type of time commitment is involved?

Shifts are approximately four hours, and include on-site training and refreshments.

What is the minimum age to volunteer?
The minimum age to volunteer at the phone bank is 16.

Do you have group volunteer opportunities available?
Absolutely!  Membership drives is a fun team building activity for your business, social or service club. Contact us at [email protected] or call (608) 262-8508 for more information.

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